Tuesday, August 26, 2008


by Ike Muila

blomer madala
ek is `n ou taxin terries
binne in die toene
change deurdlana
op en af
blomer madala
blomer jozi
blomer joburg
jakarumba spy vanity logo
big short kota
four five limited tamtasie
ek ken jou haba witty madala
haba stalavisto
niks ou medulla oblongata
blomer madala
ek spin in die toene ek nou die dag
jy sal nie skyf kry nie
check lapha site
calaza madala site
ek vang hulle is net dresh
die een..,is `n ou mdryseni
die ander een..,is `n ou malala
die laste een..,is `n ou mavuka
jy moet onthou
skyf is `n process
where by cigarettes
passes from the owner to the parasite
blomer madala


Blomer ;translation-hang around

Hang around
hang around buddy
i am an old texas town
inside my toes
changing door to door
up and down
hang around buddy of mine
hang around jozi
hang around joburg
vanity logo foolish spy
big short quarter
four five limited witty case
i know you are not wise buddy
no by the by
nothing like witty medulla oblongata
hang around
hang around buddy of mine
i spin inside my toes these days
you will never receive a smoke from me
check this side
peep cautiously this side
i believe these are three only
this one is for while away time
the other one for when is time to sleep
the last one for when i wake up
you should bear in mind
pass me a smoke is a process
where by cigarettes passes
from the owner to the parasite
hang around
hang around buddy of mine

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